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Level Doorbell LED lights


There are two LED lights on the Level Doorbell:

  • Indicator light
  • Ring light

These lights can tell you the status of your Doorbell.

Ring lightIndicator lightStatus
OffOffNo power connection or starting up
Tip: Contact your property staff for help.
Solid orangeSolid whiteSetup mode
The Doorbell is ready for you to pair.
Solid whiteSolid whiteReady mode
The Doorbell is paired.
Breathing whiteSolid redDoorbell ringing
Breathing blueSolid redDoorbell answered
Solid greenSolid whiteDoorbell reset in progress
Note: This takes about 30-60 seconds.
Breathing orangeSolid whiteEstablishing a WiFi connection or firmware update in progress
Tip: If this status lasts more than several minutes, contact Support for help.
Solid yellowSolid whiteInsufficient power
Tip: Contact your property staff for help.
Solid redSolid whiteError
Tip: Contact Support for help.
OffSolid whiteReset needed
Tip: Contact your property staff for help.

Let's talk

Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm MST.