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Staff move-in and move-out checklists

To ensure that your resident move-ins and move-outs go smoothly and that Level M continues to run during unit turnover, we recommend that you follow the steps in these checklists.

Important: Please review and customize these steps for your community. Steps may vary based on a unit's device configuration and your community policies.


Follow these steps to prepare the unit for new residents:

  • Confirm that the unit has the required devices.
    The unit should have:
    • a router (if provided)
    • a Level Hub, including Ethernet and power cords, or a Level Bridge
  • Confirm that the Level Hub or Level Bridge is connected.
    See How to connect a Level Hub or How to connect a Level Bridge.
  • Add the resident to Ambient.
    • If you have a PMS integration with Ambient, add the resident to the PMS system.
      Note: Allow about one hour for the resident to sync and the invitation to send.
    • If you don't have a PMS integration with Ambient, add the resident using the manager dashboard.


Follow these steps when a resident moves out:

  • Remove the resident from Ambient.
    • If you use a PMS integration with Ambient, update the resident's end date in the PMS system.
    • If you don't use a PMS integration with Ambient, remove the resident using the manager dashboard.
  • Confirm that the devices were left in the unit.
    These devices should be left behind:
    • the router (if provided)
    • the Level Hub, including Ethernet and power cords, or the Level Bridge
      Note: Confirm that the Level Hub or Level Bridge is connected.
  • Reset the Level Doorbell. See How to reset a Level Doorbell.
  • Rekey the unit lock.
Tip: Remember to use device automations in vacant units. Once a unit is vacant in Ambient, any vacant unit automations you've set up will be applied according to your automation schedule.

Let's talk

Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm MST.