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Staff support

Staff troubleshooting guide

Basic troubleshooting tips

Most issues can be resolved with three basic troubleshooting tips. Please refer to the below troubleshooting tips before contacting resident Support.
  1. Make sure Level devices are powered on
  2. Make sure that your Level Hub is connected to the internet
  3. Keep track of your community’s hubs

1. Make sure Level devices are powered on

Ensure that your community’s Level devices have charged batteries or are plugged in. Unplugging a device causes the Level system to no longer work. If a device runs on batteries, please be sure the batteries are charged.

2. Make sure that your Level Hub is connected to the internet

Check that your Level Hub is connected to the internet by ethernet or cellular connection.

3. Keep track of your community’s hubs

It is your responsibility to ensure that the Level Hubs remain where they are placed. Removing a Level Hub will cause the Level system to stop running. We recommend adding a strike list item to the resident move-out checklist to ensure all devices remain on the property.

Let's talk

Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm MST.