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How to control your thermostat with the Ambient Home app.

If you live in an Ambient community that uses smart thermostats, you can control your thermostat using the Ambient Home app. To control your thermostat, open the Ambient Home app:


  1. The thermostat is in the bottom left corner of your screen and shows the current temperature reading in your home. If you have more than one thermostat, swipe left or right on the thermostat to find the one you want to control.
  2. Tap the thermostat to open the thermostat controls.


  • To change the temperature setpoint, tap the + or - buttons to increase or decrease the setpoint.

Note: If your thermostat is off, the word OFF will appear in the center of the thermostat controls. Change the thermostat mode before changing the temperature setpoint.

  • To change the thermostat mode, tap the mode button at the bottom of the screen. From here you can:
    • turn the thermostat off by tapping the toggle next to On
    • change the mode by tapping the mode you want to use (Heat, Cool, or Auto)

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